Editor: Md Aminul Islam
ISSN(Online): 3078-778X
Frequency: Monthly
Submit a Manuscript via email to Executive Editor
It is first required that the manuscript should be formatted according to MSJ Template (MS-Word Version). Our review is double-blind, so based on MSJ Template (for Blind Review), any information related to your identity must be removed. This includes acknowledgment, appreciation, etc., if any.
In addition to the formatted manuscript and prior to proceeding with the review process, you are kindly required to provide email us the following documents:
1- Copyright transfer form and Declaration form completely filled in and signed by authors following the instructions outlined in these forms.
2- A similarity index report is a must. A complete plagiarism report should be generated from trusted and licensed software, such as Turnitin. MSJ only accepts your paper if the similarity index is no more than 20%.
3- Download the PPR excel file and fill in completely the data required (e.g., email addresses, paper title, discipline, at least four potential reviewers with Ph.D. Degree as a minimum requirement with their affiliations and valid e-mail addresses, etc.). Rename this file using this example PPR_Your Name.xlsx.
4- The corresponding author’s curriculum vitae.
Please read the Guidelines for Submission of Contributions.
Alternatively, for more details, the authors can download the Checklist for a paper submission to MSJ and instructions, Reference formatting with examples.